For Tuesday, 6/30
Reading, preferably in this order:
1. McKee-1, finish the PDF
2. Rion Amilcar Scott, “David Sherman, The Last Son of God”
Rion Amilcar Scott - David Sherman, The Last Son of God.pdf
3. Carver, “Cathedral”
Raymond Carver - Cathedral.pdf
4. Gotham Writers, Ch.2 on CHARACTER
In Gotham Ch.2, begin the YOUR TURN exercises on your own, to turn in by Wednesday 7/1 at 11:59PM.
Talking Points:
- Aesthetic Emotion & Rhetoric
- Controlling Idea
- Character Desire
- Complexity
- Ability to Change
- Character Research
- Appropriate Character Development
- Showing and Telling
- Action and Speech
- Details in and out of the Story
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